These people said yes
It reprograms your psyche to accept and develop positive healing intentions
As the story continues, I have attended approximately 6 sessions with Margot and as you will understand should you begin sessions things are: "Getting Better and Better". Ok just to be completely honest, this is not a quick fix and it certainly does not make life perfect, it provides a mind click that helps you have true breaks from anxiety and it re-programs your psyche to accept and develop positive healing intentions and generally helps you think more positively. I have completely stopped taking Ativan, which was becoming regular, I still take an anti-depressant, and believe in a reasonably short time I will also be able to stop that. I still have an occasional mild panic attack, but can almost always scare it away with my mantra "every day, in every way, I am getting better and better". This combined with some deep breathing has been a true godsend for me. I have even used these simple but effective techniques that Margot taught me to alleviate my fear of flying. I have had 2 flights in the past 5 days and have actually relaxed and enjoyed them. In fact, I am writing this testimonial as I am flying with absolutely no anxiety and without anxiety medication (a common occurrence on previous flights). Thank You Margot for coming into my life and helping me through this difficult time, you have helped me back from the brink. I will continue to update as sessions go on.
Gerard F., Halifax NS
Made such a difference in my life, the pain has stopped
For over 20 years I have been clenching my teeth at night. This has resulted in headaches, pain in my jaw, neck shoulder and arm. I have tried numerous treatments to relieve the symptoms – chiropractor, physiotherapy, massage, osteopathy and acupuncture. The clenching continued; I was desperate! In the summer of 2014 I saw Margot Schelew several times for hypnosis therapy. These treatments have made such a difference in my life, the pain has stopped. I have recommended this therapy to friends and family.
Linda G, Halifax NS
I gained control over my cravings
I came to Margot seeking help to lose weight. I had been told by my Doctor that I was pre-diabetic. Over the years, I had tried all kinds of diets and joined gyms with expensive memberships. Margot helped me create small changes in my diet, exercise routines and thinking patterns that gradually led to greater changes. I gained control over my cravings. I am no longer pre-diabetic. In the trusting, safe and personalized setting that Margot created, I was able to begin to make the life changes I needed to make to improve my overall health and sense of well-being.
Marnie, Halifax NS
Helped me understand my anger better and I learned to think before I act
I've had issues with controlling my anger and acting very fast and then regretting it afterwards. I've had a couple of hypnosis sessions and they helped me understand my anger better and I learned to think before I act. It made me a better person and I have been using the strategies I was given to improve myself. The appointments were very positive and because of them I am getting better and better every day. Thanks Margot for your great sessions.